All equipment used in lifting and lowering operations must be thoroughly inspected at regular intervals to ensure that it is safe to use and that it is fit for purpose, as per the LOLER regulations. More information can be found on the HSE website by clicking the link.
Personal protective equipment (PPE), is any piece of equipment used in holding a person up above the ground, such as ropes, harnesses, carabiners etc. Daily pre-use checks by the operator and a written recorded weekly check must be carried out, we can assist you in creating a template that individually caters for your needs to help you record this information. A formal thorough inspection is then required every six months by a competent LOLER inspector.
All equipment used in the lifting and lowering loads, NOT people, needs to be thoroughly inspected by a competent LOLER inspector every twelve months or after a sudden and unpredictable event such as a shock loading or suspected damage.
Charles is NTPC qualified in the thorough examination of arboricultural equipment. With over twenty years in the industry and a keen rock climber he has extensive experience in the equipment used in the arboricultural industry.
We operate a collect and delivery service if required for convenience and can work around your busy schedules to keep your down time to a minimum. We can replace consumable items such as friction cords and work positioning lanyards and stock a wide range of materials. No piece of equipment is destroyed without your consent, we clearly mark it not fit for purpose and it is up to you to ensure that it is retired from active service.
Contact us or give us a call to find out more.